ffa.fpsclassico.com - weekly
Server IPs:fpsclasico.de:27964 | fpsclasico.eu:27964
Game:Quake III Arena DeathMatch (ioq3v6-unfreeze-client-v23.5.zip | fpsclasico-client-community-edition.zip)
Admin:adminless at fpsclassico.com
Quote:" all that just for a drop of blood "
More Servers:UnFreeZe1 | UnFreeZe2 | glacius | ranked | ffa | ctf | duel
Player StatsGame StatsAward Stats
Award Stats
Awards List
Best Accuracy with Grenade Launcher BLUE_MAJOR
Best Accuracy with Lightning gun acid
Best Accuracy with Machine gun NamedPlayer
Best Accuracy with Plasma gun Gladi
Best Accuracy with Rail gun Cyclone
Best Accuracy with Rocket Launcher SHITTEAM!
Best Accuracy with Shot gun HOT
Best Overall Accuracy marad3r
Best Killer with Gauntlet P.OFC-53
Best Killer with Grenade Launcher suddenspikesoflag
Best Killer with Lightning gun c4
Best Killer with Machine gun kakshka
Best Killer with Plasma gun Wrack
Best Killer with Rail gun testb
Best Killer with Rocket Launcher NightPhantom
Best Killer with Shot gun Crash
Best Killer with Telefrag Mikesoft TM
Best Damage Accuracy SHITTEAM!
Best Effectiveness POlo polo
Best Fighter acid
Best Tank kakshka
Cleanest Player SHITTEAM!
Highest Damage Given testb
Highest Damage Output KRONOS
Lowest Damage Taken 4lly
Hall of Fame
Most Number of Awards kakshka
Deathliest Hitter Okempokem
Hardest Hitter alexxx0
Highest Hit Rate c4
Armor Shard Man testb
Body Armor Man oxylox
Combat Armor Man kakshka
Health Man kakshka
Large Health Man -_-
Mega Health Man kakshka
Small Health Man ***IRU***
Best Armor kakshka
Best Armor Efficiency kakshka
Best Efficiency SHITTEAM!
Best Health kakshka
Best Health Efficiency kakshka
Best Killer testb
Best Scorer testa
Highest Kill Streak Player
Lowest Death Streak acid
Toughest Victim acid
Lowest Kills per Excellent Csiszlik(Hun)
Lowest Shots per Impressive 4lly
Top Stats
Maximum Accuracy Major
Maximum Armor oxylox
Maximum Damage Efficiency Lushik
Maximum Health Sub-Zero
Maximum Score /dev/zero
Award Listing for Best killer with gauntlet (top 200)
#Player Name Kills   Games   Kill ratio 
1P.OFC-5368 49 1.39
2Folterknecht4 3 1.33
3camoe8 8 1.00
4Namedplayer6 8 0.75
5MASH-20008 15 0.53
6sloppy16 31 0.52
7Tormentor1 2 0.50
8Sub-Zero5 10 0.50
9*DT*Proton4 9 0.44
10Toni Kross10 32 0.31
11c42 7 0.29
12Mara1 4 0.25
13VeRuRsAcHeR1 4 0.25
14-fruit.dudeGG-3 14 0.21
15S10n3d/ez/1 5 0.20
16Q3 @WinDOwS 981 7 0.14
17z6 49 0.12
18FreeTP.Org (2)1 12 0.08
19Levski3 39 0.08
20*Slimas*1 15 0.07
21Player1 16 0.06
22-2 42 0.05
23ph4tlurks1 23 0.04
24V1CTORIA1 37 0.03
 powered by vsp stats processor © 2004-2005 by myrddin 
 theme:bismarck by myrddin  vsp v0.45m, last updated @ 2025-03-31 05:48:01 skin:avalanche-j by myrddin 
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